ДомойInterestingMost Mysterious Places on Our Planet

Most Mysterious Places on Our Planet

Not many people get the chance to travel to most countries, visit the highest peaks, and see different seas and oceans in their lifetime. But even for those fortunate enough to dedicate their lives to travel, exploring these elusive corners is no easy task. Even for scientists, these mysterious places on our planet remain largely uncharted territory!

Most Mysterious Places on Our Planet: Mulu, Borneo

This place is known for having the world’s largest cave system, of which only 10% has been explored by humans. It is easy to reach them, as you can take a train to Mulu. However, avoiding getting lost at the beginning of the journey is difficult. The caves, located in the jungles, are shrouded in secrets, and even the boldest travelers are unwilling to risk their lives.

Mulu. Photo: Paul White / flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Mulu. Photo: Luke Price / flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Mulu. Photo: Eric Lanning / flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Greenland Ice Sheet

This ice sheet covers 80% of Greenland’s territory, with a thickness of about 3 kilometers. This is why 80% of the country remains a complete mystery to humanity. In 2014, scientists made some progress and discovered that there is something beneath the ice: irregularities hidden under the sheet indicate that there is something to explore, and the secrets hidden beneath the glacier can surprise us immensely.

Greenland Ice Sheet. Photo: By Christine Zenino from Chicago, US (Greenland Ice Sheet), via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY 2.0)
Greenland Ice Sheet. Photo: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Greenland Ice Sheet. Photo: Free Public Domain Illustrations by rawpixel / flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Most Mysterious Places on Our Planet: Amazon Rainforest

While these forests are accessible for human exploration, they still remain one of the most uncharted territories due to their immense size. The Amazon rainforest is the largest forest in the world, and the explored part is just the tip of the iceberg. There may be many more unexpected discoveries waiting in its depths!

Amazon Rainforest. Photo: By Neil Palmer/CIAT (Flickr), via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Amazon Rainforest. Photo: Jon Rawlinson/flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Amazon Rainforest. Photo: rosinakaiser / pixabay (Pixabay License)

Congo Rainforest

Yes, the Amazon forests are the largest, but the least explored ones are the Congo rainforests. African jungles have become the birthplace of many legends, scary tales, and myths that have inspired numerous works of fiction in books and movies. The Congo River, which flows through the tropics and covers 15% of Africa, is both a popular and intimidating place. Local residents claim to have seen dinosaur-like creatures there, but scientists who have been studying these areas since 1876 have found no evidence of such animals. However, perhaps this mystery is yet to be unraveled.

Congo Rainforest. Photo: By Bsm15, from Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Congo Rainforest. Photo: Trina / pexels (Pexels License)
Congo Rainforest. Photo: Skitterphoto / pixabay (CC0 Creative Commons)

Most Mysterious Places on Our Planet: Tristan da Cunha

The most isolated islands on our planet. You can only reach them with the help of fishermen’s boats or scientific expeditions by helicopter. The entire population of the islands originated from a group of Europeans consisting of 15 people who settled here in the 19th century. Scientists have discovered many new and interesting plant species here, which are still being studied.

Tristan da Cunha. Photo: By NASA ASTER volcano archive jpl, via Wikimedia Commons (Public domain)
Tristan da Cunha. Photo: Brian Gratwicke/flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Tristan da Cunha. Photo: By Brian Gratwicke from DC, USA (Potato patches), via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY 2.0)

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Tristan da Cunha

Northern Andes

This region was long studied by guerrillas and bandit groups who hid here from authorities, so it’s hard to say what they managed to see. Robbers don’t keep logs detailing the surrounding nature. But why did they choose the Northern Andes? The reasons are the mountainous terrain, dense forests, and fog, which hide routes unknown to others. Nevertheless, scientific expeditions have also started venturing into the Andes. However, their purpose is not to uncover the secrets of the bandits but to study the nature of this region. Over the past 12 years, they have managed to identify several previously unknown species of animals, birds, and plants.

Northern Andes. Photo: By Marturius, from Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Northern Andes. Photo: By José Bonilla, from Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Northern Andes. Photo: By Martin St-Amant (S23678), from Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Most Mysterious Places on Our Planet: Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench remains the most mysterious and unexplored place in the underwater world of our planet. Its deepest point is called the “Challenger Deep,” and it reaches a depth of over 11,000 meters! It is in this trench that the elusive giant squid and numerous other astonishing creatures reside, adapted to immense pressure and temperature variations. This is the most uncharted place on Earth because absolutely no one knows what or who can be found at the bottom.

Mariana Trench. Photo: NOAA Ocean Exploration & Research/flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Mariana Trench. Photo: tata_aka_T/flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Mariana Trench. Photo: NOAA/OAR/OER, 2016 Deepwater Exploration of the Marianas, Leg 1.

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